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Need Support?
Fill Out Our Support Request Form.

If you live with an intellectual disability or if you know someone with an intellectual disability and need support or advocacy, Inclusion Saskatchewan may be able to help. We can work with anyone, regardless of what the intellectual disability may be. We do not require a diagnosis, have a specific IQ requirement, or need to have a referral. We are contracted by the Ministry of Social Services to provide advocacy service for people with intellectual disabilities & their families.

If you would like to request the support of an Inclusion Consultant, please fill out the Support Request form below.

If filling out this form is a barrier to you, you can call 306-955-3344 to request support. 

Who We Support

At Inclusion Saskatchewan we use the term intellectual disability, which is in alignment with our national partner, Inclusion Canada. We use intellectual disability as an umbrella term and support people with clinical diagnoses of intellectual and developmental disabilities, and also support people who identify as neurodivergent. This means that we support autistic people as well as people with FASD and ADHD. We may have limitations on how much support we can provide based on the funding we receive and the resources available to people in the community.

Individual Support

The work of the Inclusion Consultant is incredibly varied and differs from person to person. We can't provide a fully comprehensive list of everything we do, but this list should provide some insight into the work that we typically do:

  • Help clearly identify issues or problems.

  • Attend meetings.

  • Provide research on rights, policies, procedures, options, programs, etc.

  • Navigate appeals.

  • Provide information about community programs and resources 

  • Ensure you are being valued, supported and included.

Navigating the System

Our Inclusion Consultants provide support by helping you to navigate systems. Our consultants can research policies and procedures within those systems and can help you to understand what everyone’s responsibilities, obligations, and limitations are. Inclusion Saskatchewan can provide support and advocacy with:

  • Health and Mental Health 

  • Education

  • Social Services* - Community Living Service Delivery, Child and Family Programs, Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability, Social Assistance Program, and all of their funded programs.

  • Housing

  • Justice/Police Issues

  • Human Rights

  • Inclusion - We can work with your community to help you to be included.

  • Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada - We can work with Indigenous people in any community. We are not constrained by federal and provincial jurisdictional boundaries.

  • Personal finances - This includes support and navigating banks, trustees, income assistance programs, creditors, lenders, and personal resources.

*Note: All staff at Inclusion Saskatchewan have had criminal records checks including the vulnerable sector check. Inclusion Saskatchewan provides all of our support based on best practices in inclusion and on Inclusion Saskatchewan's Statements of Belief and Positions on Social Issues

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INSK Main Office

3031 Louise Street

Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L1​

(306) 955-3344


Terms of Use

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Inclusion Saskatchewan is a proud partner of Ready Willing & Able


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