Our Work is as Diverse as the People We Support.
Our Work is as Diverse as the People We Support.
Inclusion SK (formerly the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living) provides support in a variety of ways to individuals, parents, siblings, other family members, friends and community based organizations. We work collaboratively with the government and community based organizations to ensure that citizens of Saskatchewan who have intellectual disabilities are valued, supported and included members of society and have opportunities and choices in all aspects of life.
The areas we provide support include:
Inclusion SK (formerly the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living) provides support in a variety of ways to individuals, parents, siblings, other family members, friends and community based organizations. We work collaboratively with the government and community based organizations to ensure that citizens of Saskatchewan who have intellectual disabilities are valued, supported and included members of society and have opportunities and choices in all aspects of life.
The areas we provide support include:

Medical Decision Making Resources
Designed for and by Self-Advocates, our Medical Decision Making series gives people and their supporters the tools they need to make Supported Health Care decisions. In the resources below, you'll find our Health Passport, My Health Care Wishes, and My Health: How To Support My Decision Making documents.
Click on the covers or links to download.
INSK Health Passport
The Inclusion Saskatchewan Health Passport is a plain language health care tool for use within Saskatchewan. Developed with the assistance of Inclusion Saskatchewan's ICAN Self-Advocates, the passport is a 4-page fillable form (with accompanying guide) that outlines the essentials about a person's medical background, care preferences, and ability to consent to health care treatment. The passport can be given to health professionals in both emergency and non-emergency situations.
Find the Health Passport here.
My Health Care Wishes
My Health Care Wishes is a plain language health care tool for use within Saskatchewan. Developed with the assistance of Inclusion Saskatchewan's ICAN Self-Advocates, this document guides a person's health care team and others who may support decisions about their medical care. This workbook encourages people to think about who they are, what is important to them, and what type of medical care is in line with their wishes and goals. Users should use answers from the workbook to fill out the form at the end of the document. The form will be a record of health care wishes that can be taken to the hospital or given to first responders in an emergency.
Find My Health Care Wishes here.
Find My Health Care Wishes For Supporters here.
My Health: How To Support My Decision Making
This document guides a person and their supporters through a series of questions that will help clarify how the person feels about medical decisions. Topics include: medications, medical treatment, emergencies, speaking to health professionals, and communicating consent.
Health Care Decision Making for People with Disabilities
This is a question and answer (Q&A) document created by the Government of Saskatchewan. It supports people to understand their responsibilities if a person with an intellectual disability is not able to get their health care needs met due to a consent issue. This document provides answers to common questions in these situations.
Find Health Care Decision Making For People With Disabilities here.