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Inclusion Saskatchewan's Grants

Inclusion Saskatchewan has grants for eligible Members, Branches, and community organizations. You can learn more about each grant, who can apply, and how to apply below. You can use the form here if you've already received funding and need to send a grant report.

Branch Project Grant

What is the Branch Project Grant?

Inclusion Saskatchewan's Branch Project Grant provides funding for inclusive community projects. Inclusion Saskatchewan has a maximum of $35,000 to split between eligible applicants.


This funding is for:

  • projects that include people of all abilities,

  • projects that respond to the needs of the people who access the program,

  • projects that take place in Saskatchewan, and

  • the operational costs of running the program, including staff wages.


This funding is not for:

  • projects that are only for people with intellectual disabilities,

  • projects that exclude people with intellectual disabilities,

  • administrative costs,

  • travel outside of Saskatchewan,

  • wages for staff in supervisor or management roles, or

  • wage subsidies for people who access the project.


Who can Apply?

  • Branches in Good Standing, as defined in Inclusion Saskatchewan's Bylaws, or

  • other organizations whose project is recommended by the President of a Branch in Good Standing.


How do I Apply?

You can apply for the Branch Project Grant using the form here.


Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on February 28th of each year.




Inclusion Initiative Grant

What is the Inclusion Initiative Grant?

Inclusion Saskatchewan's Inclusion Initiative Grant provides funding for events that celebrate Community Inclusion Month. Community Inclusion Month celebrates how inclusion improves the lives of people with disabilities and their communities. It is celebrated in October of each year. Up to $500 is available to each eligible Branch in a calendar year.


This funding is for:

  • events that include people of all abilities,

  • events that celebrate Community Inclusion Month,

  • events that happen in October, and

  • the operational costs of holding the event, including staff wages.


This funding is not for:

  • events that are only for people with intellectual disabilities,

  • events that exclude people with intellectual disabilities,

  • administrative costs,

  • travel outside of Saskatchewan,

  • wages for staff in supervisor or management roles, or

  • wage subsidies for people who attend or work the event.


Who Can Apply?

Funding is only available for Inclusion Saskatchewan Branches in Good Standing, as defined in Inclusion Saskatchewan’s Bylaws. 


How do I Apply?

You can apply for the Inclusion Initiative Grant using the form here.


Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on February 28th of each year.

Inclusive Recreational Initiative Grant

What is the Inclusive Recreational Initiative Grant?

Inclusion Saskatchewan's Inclusive Recreational Initiative Grant provides funding for inclusive recreational programs. Inclusion Saskatchewan has a maximum of $30,000 to split between eligible applicants. This funding is generously provided by Inclusion Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Lottery Trust Fund (SLTF), and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA).


This funding is for:

  • programs that include people of all abilities,

  • programs that focus on recreation,

  • programs that respond to the needs of the people who access the program,

  • activities that take place in Saskatchewan, and

  • the operational costs of running the program, including staff wages.


This funding is not for:

  • programs that are only for people with intellectual disabilities,

  • programs that exclude people with intellectual disabilities,

  • administrative costs,

  • travel outside of Saskatchewan,

  • wages for staff in supervisor or management roles, or

  • wage subsidies for people who access the program.


Who can Apply?

  • Branches in Good Standing, as defined in Inclusion Saskatchewan's Bylaws, or

  • other organizations whose program is recommended by the President of a Branch in Good Standing.


How do I Apply?

You can apply for the Inclusive Recreational Initiative Grant using the form here.


Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on February 28th of each year.

Training & Support Grant

What is the Training & Support Fund?

Inclusion Saskatchewan's Training & Support Fund provides funding for Members of Inclusion Saskatchewan and its Branches. Up to $1,000 is available to each eligible applicant in a calendar year.


This funding is for helping Members attend upcoming training events about intellectual disabilities, such as:

  • conferences,

  • workshops,

  • seminars, or

  • other training events.


This funding is not for:

  • people who work for Inclusion Saskatchewan or its Branches,

  • events that have already happened,

  • college or university tuition,

  • any other credit or certification program, or

  • educational books or materials.​


How do I Apply?

You can apply for the Training & Support Grant using the form here.


Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on one of these dates each year:

  • February 28th

  • May 1st

  • September 1st

  • December 1st

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INSK Main Office

3031 Louise Street

Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L1​


(306) 955-3344



Terms of Use


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Inclusion Saskatchewan is a proud partner of Ready Willing & Able


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